Multiple Job Vacancies in Sukino Healthcare
Sukino healthcare is a Continnum care service provider who has prescence in Bangalore, Kerala and Tamilnadu.
Sukino Healthcare Kochi have currently some requirements for professional caregivers for our home care segment. We are hiring candidates who have completed GDA ,
Nursing Assistant course, BSc, GNM,ANM NURSES ,Doctor’s, maintance staffs, therapy these are some of our vacccancys it may varrys accordingly, overall we are having all post in a hospital. Please let me know if students are available for recruitment. I can give you more details about our company and benefits provided for the employees if you give us an appointment to meet you.
+ Doctors (MBBS)
+ Nurses (BSC/GNM/ANM), Nursing Tutors
+ Physiotherapists
+ Speech Therapists
+ Occupational Therapists
+ Caregivers
+ Kitchen Staff