‘Sign In With Apple’ No Longer Available For Epic Games Account - JobWalk.in

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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

‘Sign In With Apple’ No Longer Available For Epic Games Account

It seems that the legal battle between Apple and Epic just got a little more petty because according to a tweet by Epic, it seems that Apple has removed the ability for users to “Sign In With Apple” to their Epic Games accounts. This means that after the 11th of September, gamers will need to update their account email address and password to ensure that they won’t lose access to their accounts.

According to Epic, “Apple will no longer allow users to sign into Epic Games accounts using “Sign In with Apple” as soon as September 11, 2020. If you have previously used “Sign In with Apple”, please update your Epic Games account email address and password immediately so that you can still login after September 11, 2020.”

For those who are unfamiliar, Apple introduced a new feature called “Sign In With Apple” back in 2019. It is basically Apple’s answer to other sign-in options offered by Facebook and Google, where the company is touting enhanced privacy as one of the selling points of the feature, especially if you don’t want companies like Facebook or Google collecting even more information about you.

We’re not sure why Apple has removed this feature for Epic Games as it only serves to inconvenience gamers who are caught in the crossfire between both companies. Either way, if you did use this feature, head on over to Epic’s website to read up on how to update your account email and passwords.

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